Logging into NLPatent

Welcome to NLPatent!

To kickstart your patent search, here’s a guide to help you log into NLPatent for the first time. Logging into NLPatent will look slightly different depending on whether you have Single Sign On (SSO) enabled or not.

Non-SSO Users

When an account is created, an email from searchservices@nlpatent.com will contain your login details. Check your spam folder if necessary. The email should look like this.

Access NLPatent by visiting www.nlpatent.com and clicking on the Sign-In button located at the top right corner of the page.

Use the provided Username and Password to access your account

Logging-In Troubleshooting

If you don't remember your account details, try putting in your email address and see which error message you get.

Existing Account, Wrong Password

If an account exists with your email, you will get this error message. Select Forgot Password to reset your password.

Non-Existent Account

If there is no account linked to your email, you'll get the error message.

If you are on an enterprise license of NLPatent, click on “Don’t have an account? Register here” to create an account.

Security First

As a security measure, please ensure to reset your password immediately after logging in. Click on your profile icon at the top right corner and select Account. Here, you can change your password to one of your choice.

Single Sign On (SSO)

After clicking sign in, click the Use Single Sign-On (SSO) instead.

Then, enter your email address and click Continue with SSO. From here you should have direct access to NLPatent. 

Need Help?

If you're still experiencing login please reach out to support@nlpatent.com and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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