Skip Query for Patent Lists

NLPatent now supports browsing our patent database without using a query. This feature allows you to jump straight to a list of patents, where you can then apply filters to generate an exhaustive list of patents that meet your criteria, up to 10,000 results.

This feature is particularly useful for exploring specific patent portfolios, wanting to view the entire scope of what a particular company or group of companies own. To get started, follow these steps:

Create a New Project: Begin by creating a new project within NLPatent.

Skip the Query: Once your project is set up, you'll be directed to the search page. Scroll to the bottom and click “Skip Query”. Upon skipping the query, you will see the 10,000 most recent patent documents, organized by priority date. 

Next, you can apply various filters to generate a list of patents according to whatever criteria you select:

For large patent portfolios, the 10,000 most recent patent documents by priority date will be shown. If you’d like to see older ones, you will need to play with the date range filters.  

Once you are satisfied with the filtered results, you can export the entire list or just the saved patents by using the export button.

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